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289 results found

Deep ultra-violet plasmonics

Our work on probing germanium plasmons through momentum-resolved EELS experiments got published in Optics Express. We reveal the metallic nature of Ge in the DUV regime. This new frontier of DUV plasmonics enables the development of DUV devices based on Ge. Read more about the paper here.

Our paper as Editor's Suggestion in Physical Review Research

Our latest paper on topological optical N-insulators was chosen as Editor’s suggestion in Physical Review Research. We introduce a new family of topological materials with exotic electromagnetic features with obstructions to molecular polarizabilities. Know about the paper here.

APS March Talks

Check out our group's contributions at the APS March meeting. We had a series of interesting seminars covering DCMP, DMP, DQI, and DAMO.

Xueji Wang named 2022 DARPA Riser

Exciting news as Xueji Wang, Ph.D. student in our group, has been selected as a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Riser for 2022. Mr. Wang will participate in the DARPA’s Forward conference series that provides networking opportunities to discover and engage new talents.

Shubhankar Jape

Shubhankar Jape received his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and a minor in physics and math from Purdue University at Indianapolis. During his undergraduate studies, he worked on circuit design for pattern recognition methods in power systems and the characterization of nebulized...

Latest paper in Optics Letters

Check out our recent work with Nitrogen-vacancy centers which has been published in Optics Letters. We use photonic spin density to induce an effective static magnetic field for NV centers at room temperature. To know more about the paper, click here.

Quantum field theory for spin operator of the photon

Our latest paper reports on the discovery of the photon spin operator. All particles in nature can be classified as fermions or bosons. The key distinguishing characteristic is their spin, an internal angular momentum. We stumbled on the spin operator of bosonic gauge fields using quantum...

Latest Paper in Physical Review B

We are delighted to share our recent work on "First-principles study of large gyrotropy in MnBi for infrared thermal photonics", published in Physical Review B. It talks about how nonreciprocal gyrotropic materials have attracted significant interest recently in material physics, nanophotonics, and...

Spinning Metasurfaces

Spectro-polarimetric imaging in the long-wave infrared (LWIR) region plays a crucial role in applications from night vision and machine perception to trace gas sensing and thermography. However, the current generation of spectro-polarimetric LWIR imagers suffers from limitations in size, spectral...