

W. Sun, S. Bharadwaj, R. Zhou, D. Jiao, and Z. Jacob, “Computational Electromagnetics Meets Spin Qubits: Controlling Noise Effects in Quantum Sensing and Computing”, IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, 2024.

Solid-state spin qubits have emerged as promising quantum information platforms but are susceptible to magnetic noise. Despite extensive efforts in controlling noise in spin qubit quantum applications, one important but less controlled noise source is near-field electromagnetic fluctuations. Low-frequency (MHz and GHz) electromagnetic fluctuations are significantly enhanced near nanostructured lossy material components essential in quantum applications, including metallic/superconducting gates necessary for controlling spin qubits in quantum computing devices and materials/nanostructures to be probed in quantum sensing. Although controlling this low-frequency electromagnetic fluctuation noise is crucial for improving the performance of quantum sensing and computing, current efforts are hindered by computational challenges. In this paper, we leverage advanced computational electromagnetics techniques, especially fast and accurate volume integral equation based solvers, to overcome the computational obstacle. We introduce a theoretical framework to control low-frequency magnetic fluctuation noise for enhancing spin qubit quantum sensing and computing performance. Our framework extends the application of computational electromagnetics to spin qubit quantum devices. We further apply our theoretical framework to control noise effects in realistic quantum computing devices and quantum sensing applications. Our work paves the way for device engineering to control magnetic fluctuations and improve the performance of spin qubit quantum sensing and computing.

H. Choi, S. Choi, P. Menart, A. Deka, and Z. Jacob, “Telescope imaging beyond the Rayleigh limit in extremely low SNR”, New Journal of Physics, 2024.

The Rayleigh limit and low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) scenarios pose significant limitations to optical imaging systems used in remote sensing, infrared thermal imaging, and space domain awareness. In this study, we introduce a Stochastic Sub-Rayleigh Imaging (SSRI) algorithm to localize point objects and estimate their positions, brightnesses, and number in low SNR conditions, even below the Rayleigh limit. Our algorithm adopts a maximum likelihood approach and exploits the Poisson distribution of incoming photons to overcome the Rayleigh limit in low SNR conditions. In our experimental validation, which closely mirrors practical scenarios, we focus on conditions with closely spaced sources within the sub-Rayleigh limit (0.49-1.00R) and weak signals (SNR less than 1.2). We use the Jaccard index and Jaccard efficiency as a figure of merit to quantify imaging performance in the sub-Rayleigh region. Our approach consistently outperforms established algorithms such as Richardson-Lucy and CLEAN by 4X in the low SNR, sub-Rayleigh regime. Our SSRI algorithm allows existing telescope-based optical/infrared imaging systems to overcome the extreme limit of sub-Rayleigh, low SNR source distributions, potentially impacting a wide range of fields, including passive thermal imaging, remote sensing, and space domain awareness.

H. Choi, F. Bao, and Z. Jacob, “Adaptive quantum accelerated imaging for space domain awareness”, New Journal of Physics, 2024.

The growth in space activity has increased the need for Space Domain Awareness (SDA) to ensure safe space operations. Imaging and detecting space targets is, however, challenging due to their dim appearance, small angular size/separation, dense distribution, and atmospheric turbulence. These challenges render space targets in ground-based imaging observations as point-like objects in the sub-Rayleigh regime, with extreme brightness contrast but a low photon budget. Here, we propose to use the recently developed quantum-accelerated imaging (QAI) for the SDA challenge. We mainly focus on three SDA challenges (1) minimal a priori assumptions (2) many-object problem (3) extreme brightness ratio. We also present results on source estimation and localization in the presence of atmospheric turbulence. QAI shows significantly improved estimation in position, brightness, and number of targets for all SDA challenges. In particular, we demonstrate up to 2.5 times better performance in source detection than highly optimized direct imaging in extreme scenarios like stars with a 1000 times brightness ratio. With over 10 000 simulations, we verify the increased resolution of our approach compared to conventional state-of-the-art direct imaging paving the way towards quantum optics approaches for SDA.

P. Das, S. Bharadwaj, and Z. Jacob, “Quantum theory of orbital angular momentum in spatiotemporal optical vortices”, New Journal of Physics, 2024.

Spatiotemporal Optical Vortices (STOVs) are structured electromagnetic fields propagating in free space with phase singularities in the space-time domain. Depending on the tilt of the helical phase front, STOVs can carry both longitudinal and transverse orbital angular momentum (OAM). Although STOVs have gained significant interest in the recent years, the current understanding is limited to the semi-classical picture. Here, we develop a quantum theory for STOVs with an arbitrary tilt, extending beyond the paraxial limit. We demonstrate that quantum STOV states, such as Fock and coherent twisted photon pulses, display non-vanishing longitudinal OAM fluctuations that are absent in conventional monochromatic twisted pulses. We show that these quantum fluctuations exhibit a unique texture, i.e. a spatial distribution which can be used to experimentally isolate these quantum effects. Our findings represent a step towards the exploitation of quantum effects of structured light for various applications such as OAM-based encoding protocols and platforms to explore novel light-matter interaction in 2D material systems.

F. Bao, L. Bauer, A. E. R. López, Z. Yang, X. Wang, and Z. Jacob, “Photon discerner: Adaptive quantum optical sensing near the shot noise limit”, New Journal of Physics, 2024.

Photon statistics of an optical field can be used for quantum optical sensing in low light level scenarios free of bulky optical components. However, photon-number-resolving detection to unravel the photon statistics is challenging. Here, we propose a novel detection approach, that we call 'photon discerning', which uses adaptive photon thresholding for photon statistical estimation without recording exact photon numbers. Our photon discerner is motivated by the field of neural networks where tunable thresholds have proven efficient for information extraction in machine learning tasks. The photon discerner maximizes Fisher information per photon by iteratively choosing the optimal threshold in real-time to approach the shot noise limit. Our proposed scheme of adaptive photon thresholding leads to unique remote-sensing applications of quantum degree of linear polarization camera and quantum LiDAR. We investigate optimal thresholds and show that the optimal photon threshold can be counter-intuitive (not equal to 1) even for weak signals (mean photon number much less than 1), due to the photon bunching effect. We also put forth a superconducting nanowire realization of the photon discerner which can be experimentally implemented in the near-term. We show that the adaptivity of our photon discerner enables it to beat realistic photon-number-resolving detectors with limited photon-number resolution in certain applications. Our work suggests a new class of detectors for information-theory driven, compact, and learning-based quantum optical sensing.

P. Das, L.-P. Yang, and Z. Jacob, “What are the quantum commutation relations for the total angular momentum of light?”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2024.

The total angular momentum of light has received attention for its application in a variety of phenomena such as optical communication, optical forces, and sensing. However, the quantum behavior including the commutation relations has been relatively less explored. Here, we derive the correct commutation relation for the total angular momentum of light using both relativistic and non-relativistic approaches. An important outcome of our work is the proof that the widely assumed quantum commutation relation for the total observable angular momentum of light is fundamentally incorrect. Our work will motivate experiments and lead to new insights on the quantum behavior of the angular momentum of light.

A. K. Boddeti et al., “Reducing Effective System Dimensionality with Long-Range Collective Dipole-Dipole Interactions”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 132, 2024.

Dimensionality plays a crucial role in long-range dipole-dipole interactions (DDIs). We demonstrate that a resonant nanophotonic structure modifies the apparent dimensionality in an interacting ensemble of emitters, as revealed by population decay dynamics. Our measurements on a dense ensemble of interacting quantum emitters in a resonant nanophotonic structure with long-range DDIs reveal an effective dimensionality reduction to ¯d=2.20(12), despite the emitters being distributed in 3D. This contrasts with the homogeneous environment, where the apparent dimension is ¯d=3.00. Our work presents a promising avenue to manipulate dimensionality in an ensemble of interacting emitters.


M. Roknuzzaman et al., “First-principles study of large gyrotropy in MnBi for infrared thermal photonics”, Physical Review B, vol. 108, no. 22, 2023.

Nonreciprocal gyrotropic materials have attracted significant interest recently in material physics, nanophotonics, and topological physics. Most of the well-known nonreciprocal materials, however, only show nonreciprocity under a strong external magnetic field and within a small segment of the electromagnetic spectrum. Here, through first-principles density-functional theory calculations, we show that due to strong spin-orbit coupling manganese-bismuth (MnBi) exhibits nonreciprocity without any external magnetic field and a large gyrotropy in a broadband long-wavelength infrared regime. Further, we design a multilayer structure based on MnBi to obtain a maximum degree of spin-polarized thermal emission at 7 µm. The connection established here between large gyrotropy and the spin-polarized thermal emission points to the potential use of MnBi to develop spin-controlled thermal photonics platforms.

The engineering of the spatial and temporal properties of both the electric permittivity and the refractive index of materials is at the core of photonics. When vanishing to zero, those two variables provide efficient knobs to control light–matter interactions. This Perspective aims at providing an overview of the state of the art and the challenges in emerging research areas where the use of near-zero refractive index and hyperbolic metamaterials is pivotal, in particular, light and thermal emission, nonlinear optics, sensing applications, and time-varying photonics.

F. Bao et al., “Heat-assisted Detection and Ranging”, Nature, vol. 619, pp. 743–748 , 2023.

Machine perception uses advanced sensors to collect information about the surrounding scene for situational awareness. State-of-the-art machine perception using active sonar, radar and LiDAR to enhance camera vision faces difficulties when the number of intelligent agents scales up. Exploiting omnipresent heat signal could be a new frontier for scalable perception.

However, objects and their environment constantly emit and scatter thermal radiation, leading to textureless images famously known as the ‘ghosting effect’. Thermal vision thus has no specificity limited by information loss, whereas thermal ranging—crucial for navigation—has been elusive even when combined with artificial intelligence (AI).

Here we propose and experimentally demonstrate heat-assisted detection and ranging (HADAR) overcoming this open challenge of ghosting and benchmark it against AI-enhanced thermal sensing. HADAR not only sees texture and depth through the darkness as if it were day but also perceives decluttered physical attributes beyond RGB or thermal vision, paving the way to fully passive and physics-aware machine perception.

We develop HADAR estimation theory and address its photonic shot-noise limits depicting information-theoretic bounds to HADAR-based AI performance. HADAR ranging at night beats thermal ranging and shows an accuracy comparable with RGB stereovision in daylight. Our automated HADAR thermography reaches the Cramér–Rao bound on temperature accuracy, beating existing thermography techniques.

Our work leads to a disruptive technology that can accelerate the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) with HADAR-based autonomous navigation and human–robot social interactions.

See also: Machine Perception