Symmetry Breaking In Thermal Photonics Publication: Journal Article X. Wang and Z. Jacob, “Symmetry Breaking In Thermal Photonics”, Light: Science & Applications, 2022.
Optically induced static magnetic field in the ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond Publication: Journal Article F. Kalhor, N. F. Opondo, S. Mahmud, L. Bauer, L.-P. Yang, and Z. Jacob, “Optically induced static magnetic field in the ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond”, OSA Publishing, vol. 47, no. 13, pp. 3347–3350, 2022.
Fundamental efficiency bound for quantum coherent energy transfer in nanophotonics Publication: Journal Article C. L. Cortes, W. Sun, and Z. Jacob, “Fundamental efficiency bound for quantum coherent energy transfer in nanophotonics”, Optics Express, vol. 30, no. 19, pp. 34725–34739, 2022.
Non-reciprocal energy transfer through the Casimir effect Publication: Journal Article Z. Xu, X. Gao, J. Bang, Z. Jacob, and T. Li, “Non-reciprocal energy transfer through the Casimir effect”, Nature Nanotechnology, 2021.
Identification of Latent Graphs: A Quantum Entropic Approach Publication: Journal Article M. A. Javidian, V. Aggarwal, and Z. Jacob, “Identification of Latent Graphs: A Quantum Entropic Approach”, NeurIPS 2021, 2021.
Optically induced static magnetic field in the ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond Publication: Journal Article F. Kalhor, N. F. Opondo, S. Mahmud, L. Bauer, L.-P. Yang, and Z. Jacob, “Optically induced static magnetic field in the ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond”, arXiv, 2022.