Super-Coulombic atom–atom interactions in hyperbolic media Publication: Journal Article C. L. Cortes and Z. Jacob, “Super-Coulombic atom–atom interactions in hyperbolic media”, Nature Communications, vol. 8, 2017.
Definition of polaritonic fluctuations in natural hyperbolic media Publication: Journal Article S. Molesky and Z. Jacob, “Definition of polaritonic fluctuations in natural hyperbolic media”, Physical Review A, vol. 99, no. 3, 2019.
Quantum critical detector: amplifying weak signals using discontinuous quantum phase transitions Publication: Journal Article L.-P. Yang and Z. Jacob, “Quantum critical detector: amplifying weak signals using discontinuous quantum phase transitions”, Optics Express, vol. 27, no. 8, pp. 10482–10494, 2019.
Quantum nonlinear mixing of thermal photons to surpass the blackbody limit Publication: Journal Article C. Khandekar, L.-P. Yang, A. W. Rodriguez, and Z. Jacob, “Quantum nonlinear mixing of thermal photons to surpass the blackbody limit”, Opt. Express, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 2045–2059, 2020.
New spin-resolved thermal radiation laws for nonreciprocal bianisotropic media Publication: Journal Article C. Khandekar, F. Khosravi, Z. Li, and Z. Jacob, “New spin-resolved thermal radiation laws for nonreciprocal bianisotropic media”, New Journal of Physics, vol. 22, 2020.
Single and Multi-Mode Directional Lasing from Arrays of Dielectric Nanoresonators Publication: Journal Article S. I. Azzam et al., “Single and Multi-Mode Directional Lasing from Arrays of Dielectric Nanoresonators”, Laser & Photonics Reviews, vol. 15, 2021.
Enhancing the performance of superconducting nanowire-based detectors with high-filling factor by using variable thickness Publication: Journal Article R. Baghdadi et al., “Enhancing the performance of superconducting nanowire-based detectors with high-filling factor by using variable thickness”, Superconductor Science and Technology, vol. 34, 2021.
Two-dimensional extreme skin depth engineering for CMOS photonics Publication: Journal Article M. van Niekerk et al., “Two-dimensional extreme skin depth engineering for CMOS photonics”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 1307–1316, 2021.
Non-classical photonic spin texture of quantum structured light Publication: Journal Article L.-P. Yang and Z. Jacob, “Non-classical photonic spin texture of quantum structured light”, Communications Physics, vol. 4, 221, 2021.
Quantum Causal Inference in the Presence of Hidden Common Causes: an Entropic Approach Publication: Journal M. A. Javidian, V. Aggarwal, and Z. Jacob, “Quantum Causal Inference in the Presence of Hidden Common Causes: an Entropic Approach”, vol. 2104.13227. 2021.