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289 results found

Shoaib Mahmud and Daien He awarded the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship

Our group members, Shoaib Mahmud and Daien He, have been awarded the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship by Purdue Graduate School. The fellowship is awarded by departments and colleges to PhD students who will enter their final year of their program in 2024. Recipients are expected to devote full-time...

Xueji Wang and Ziyi Yang's recent paper featured among top downloads in Optica

Congratulations to Dr. Xueji Wang and Ziyi Yang for the feature of their recent paper on thermal imaging among the top downloads in Optica for the month of January. In this paper titled "Spinning metasurface stack for spectro-polarimetric thermal imaging", we introduce an approach for spectro...

Latest Paper in Science Advances

Our recent work on ‘Observation of nonvanishing optical helicity in thermal radiation from symmetry-broken metasurfaces’ has been published in Science Advances. We uncover a new method for generating spinning thermal radiation in a controlled & efficient manner using metasurfaces. Spinning thermal...