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Talks Courses Workshops Research achievements (2010-2020)

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Openings for Post-Doctoral Scholars (posted July 16 2021 , open till December 30, 2021) Experimental photonics post-doctoral position Openings for both PhD and Post-Doctoral Scholars (posted November 8, 2021) Quantum and Thermal Photonics PhD and Post-Doctoral Positions

Quantum Model Unlocks New Approach to Single-Photon Detection

To become more pervasive in daily life, quantum technology needs to better detect single particles of light, called photons, carrying quantum information. The problem is that each photon is a very weak signal, making it difficult for measurement devices to efficiently detect them. Purdue University engineers have proposed a new quantum resource that could help design the next generation of single-photon detectors.

Latest Paper in Physical Review A

Quantum causality is an emerging field of study which has the potential to greatly advance our understanding of quantum systems. In this paper, we put forth a theoretical framework for merging quantum information science and causal inference by exploiting entropic principles. For this purpose, we...

Energy + Nanophotonics

The traditional expertise of our group is in the area of Energy and Nanophotonics. The breadth of our research puts us in a unique position consisting of advancements across the EM spectrum from THz to UV. While we work on a diverse range of topics, the following key projects will provide an insight...


Welcome to our research page! This is the most exciting place to start navigating our webpage. It has detailed information on all our scientific endeavors. Please send Prof. Zubin Jacob an email if you have questions or comments zjacob {at} purdue {dot} edu. Our research spans three major research...