Dr. Robert-Jan Slager covered a selection of our recent work on topological characterizations in a rather colloquial style. In particular, he reviewed how constraints on symmetry eigenvalues can...
Prof Joseph talked about Hyperbolic lattices which are a new form of synthetic quantum matter in which particles effectively hop on a discrete tiling of two-dimensional hyperbolic space, a non...
Check out our recent work with Nitrogen-vacancy centers which has been published in Optics Letters. We use photonic spin density to induce an effective static magnetic field for NV centers at room...
Our first speaker was a pioneer in the field of theoretical quantum optics - Prof. John Sipe from the University of Toronto. He talked about the response of solids to incident electromagnetic fields...
We will host a pico-seminar series with world-leading experts on the topic. While we are biased towards theorists, we will certainly have many experimental speakers as well.
Exciting news as Xueji Wang, Ph.D. student in our group, has been selected as a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Riser for 2022. Mr. Wang will participate in the DARPA’s Forward...