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32 results found

Purdue researchers control the quantum vacuum

Purdue researchers have made a breakthrough demonstration of controlling energy transfer mediated by vacuum fluctuations. They have proposed and demonstrated a non-reciprocal, diode-like Casimir device. Their results were published in Nature Nanotechnology. A striking prediction of quantum mechanics...

Laser Focus World Article Highlights Our Research

Graphene has been hailed a “wonder material,” given its potential in a growing pool of applications and industries, from quantum computing (also see “Getting edgy with graphene”) to healthcare. But it’s also a bit unassuming. While it’s the thinnest material in the world at just one-atom-thick...

Topological Edge Plasmons in Quantum Many-Body Systems by Prof. Stephan Haas

Prof. Stephan Haas discussed how the many-body excitation spectrum of topological insulators is affected by the presence of long-range Coulomb interactions. In the one-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model and its mirror-symmetric variant, strongly localized plasmonic excitations are observed which...

Quantum analog of the maximum power transfer theorem

In our recent work in Optics Express, we discover the quantum analog of the well-known classical maximum power transfer theorem, typically used in classical circuit design. By developing a unified framework, from the Lindblad master equation and describing power delivery in dissipative quantum...

Latest paper in PR Applied

Published in PR Applied, our recent work develops the theoretical and computational framework to analyze the spin angular momentum of thermal radiation from bodies with nonuniform temperature profiles. By considering a sample problem of a long silica wire held under a temperature gradient within its...

Picophotonics: Atomistic Anomalous Waves in Silicon

Light-matter interaction in materials is central to several photonic devices from lasers to detectors. Over the past decade, nanophotonics, the study of how light flows on the nanometer scale in engineered structures such as photonic crystals and metamaterials has led to important advances. This...

Latest News & Views in Light: Science and Applications

Check out our recent News & View article ‘Symmetry breaking in thermal photonics.’ in Light: Science and Applications. Thermal radiation is omnipresent and is engineered for various applications in modern photonics, such as cooling, imaging, and energy harvesting. Symmetries and symmetry breaking...