Heat-assisted Detection and Ranging Publication: Journal Article F. Bao et al., “Heat-assisted Detection and Ranging”, Nature, vol. 619, pp. 743–748 , 2023.
New Horizons in Near-Zero Refractive Index Photonics and Hyperbolic Metamaterials Publication: Journal Article M. Lobet et al., “New Horizons in Near-Zero Refractive Index Photonics and Hyperbolic Metamaterials”, ACS Publications , 2023.
Axial super-resolution evanescent wave tomography Publication: Journal Article S. Pendharker, S. S. Shende, W. Newman, S. Ogg, N. Nazemifard, and Z. Jacob, “Axial super-resolution evanescent wave tomography”, Optics Letters, vol. 41, no. 23, pp. 5499–5502, 2016.
Controlling thermal emission with refractory epsilon-near-zero metamaterials via topological transitions Publication: Journal Article P. Dyachenko et al., “Controlling thermal emission with refractory epsilon-near-zero metamaterials via topological transitions”, Nature Communications, vol. 7, 2016.
Momentum-Resolved Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy for Mapping the Photonic Density of States Publication: Journal Article P. Shekhar, M. Malac, V. Gaind, N. Dalili, A. Meldrum, and Z. Jacob, “Momentum-Resolved Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy for Mapping the Photonic Density of States”, ACS Photonics, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 1009–1014, 2017.
Concept of quantum timing jitter and non-Markovian limits in single-photon detection Publication: Journal Article L.-P. Yang, H. X. Tang, and Z. Jacob, “Concept of quantum timing jitter and non-Markovian limits in single-photon detection”, Physical Review A, vol. 97, 2018.
Controlling evanescent waves using silicon photonic all-dielectric metamaterials for dense integration Publication: Journal Article S. Jahani et al., “Controlling evanescent waves using silicon photonic all-dielectric metamaterials for dense integration”, Nature Communications, vol. 9, 2018.
Quantum gyroelectric effect: Photon spin-1 quantization in continuum topological bosonic phases Publication: Journal Article T. Van Mechelen and Z. Jacob, “Quantum gyroelectric effect: Photon spin-1 quantization in continuum topological bosonic phases”, Physical Review A, vol. 98, 2018.
Thermal spin photonics in the near-field of nonreciprocal media Publication: Journal Article C. Khandekar and Z. Jacob, “Thermal spin photonics in the near-field of nonreciprocal media”, New Journal of Physics, vol. 21, 2019.
Topological Transitions in Metamaterials Publication: Journal Article H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, Z. Jacob, E. Narimanov, I. Kretzschmar, and V. M. Menon, “Topological Transitions in Metamaterials”, Science, vol. 336, no. 6078, pp. 205–209, 2012.