Enhancement of rotational vacuum friction by surface photon tunneling Publication: Journal Article Z. Xu, Z. Jacob, and T. Li, “Enhancement of rotational vacuum friction by surface photon tunneling”, Nanophotonics, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 537–543, 2020.
Single-photon pulse induced giant response in N > 100 qubit system Publication: Journal Article L.-P. Yang and Z. Jacob, “Single-photon pulse induced giant response in N > 100 qubit system”, npj Quantum Information, vol. 6, 2020.
Probabilistic vortex crossing criterion for superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors Publication: Journal Article S. Jahani, L.-P. Yang, A. B. Tepole, J. C. Bardin, H. X. Tang, and Z. Jacob, “Probabilistic vortex crossing criterion for superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors”, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 127, no. 14, p. 143101, 2020.
Quantum sensing of photonic spin density using a single spin qubit Publication: Journal F. Kalhor, L.-P. Yang, L. Bauer, and Z. Jacob, “Quantum sensing of photonic spin density using a single spin qubit”, Physical Review Research, vol. 3. p. 043007, 2021.
Quantum nonlinear mixing of thermal photons to surpass the blackbody limit Publication: Journal Article C. Khandekar, L.-P. Yang, A. W. Rodriguez, and Z. Jacob, “Quantum nonlinear mixing of thermal photons to surpass the blackbody limit”, Opt. Express, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 2045–2059, 2020.
Non-classical photonic spin texture of quantum structured light Publication: Journal Article L.-P. Yang and Z. Jacob, “Non-classical photonic spin texture of quantum structured light”, Communications Physics, vol. 4, 221, 2021.
Quantum Causal Inference in the Presence of Hidden Common Causes: an Entropic Approach Publication: Journal M. A. Javidian, V. Aggarwal, and Z. Jacob, “Quantum Causal Inference in the Presence of Hidden Common Causes: an Entropic Approach”, vol. 2104.13227. 2021.
Electron g-factor engineering for nonreciprocal spin photonics Publication: Journal Article P. Sengupta, C. Khandekar, T. Van Mechelen, R. Rahman, and Z. Jacob, “Electron g-factor engineering for nonreciprocal spin photonics”, Physical Review B, vol. 101, no. 3, p. 035412, 2020.
Broadband circularly polarized thermal radiation from magnetic Weyl semimetals Publication: Journal Y. Wang, C. Khandekar, X. Gao, T. Li, D. Jiao, and Z. Jacob, “Broadband circularly polarized thermal radiation from magnetic Weyl semimetals”, Optical Materials Express, vol. 11, no. 11. pp. 3880–3895, 2021.
Single photon pulse induced transient entanglement force Publication: Journal Article L.-P. Yang, C. Khandekar, T. Li, and Z. Jacob, “Single photon pulse induced transient entanglement force”, New Journal of Physics, vol. 22, no. 2, p. 023037, 2020.