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28 results found

Quantum Model Unlocks New Approach to Single-Photon Detection

To become more pervasive in daily life, quantum technology needs to better detect single particles of light, called photons, carrying quantum information. The problem is that each photon is a very weak signal, making it difficult for measurement devices to efficiently detect them. Purdue University engineers have proposed a new quantum resource that could help design the next generation of single-photon detectors.

New Antenna Tech to Equip Ceramic Coatings with Heat Radiation Control

The gas turbines powering aircraft engines rely on ceramic coatings that ensure structural stability at high temperatures. But these coatings don’t control heat radiation, limiting the performance of the engine. Researchers at Purdue University have engineered ceramic “nanotubes” that behave as thermal antennas, offering control over the spectrum and direction of high-temperature heat radiation.

Non-classical photonic spin texture of quantum structured light

Classical structured light with controlled polarization and orbital angular momentum (OAM) of electromagnetic waves has varied applications in optical trapping, bio-sensing, optical communications, and quantum simulations. However, quantum noise and photon statistics of three-dimensional photonic...

Quantum acceleration in adaptive modal imaging of N stars

Congratulations to Fanglin Bao for his contributed talk on “Quantum acceleration in adaptive modal imaging of N stars” which was sessioned for a virtual presentation at the 2021 #OSA Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science Conference.

Emil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Competition

Congratulations to Ashwin Boddeti on his selection as a finalist for the Emil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Competition at FIO2021 for the paper titled: Giant Long-Range Dipole-Dipole Interactions in a Plasmonic Lattice in the FiO 3 Quantum Electronics category. The paper talks about the...