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289 results found

We are launching a Pico-Seminar Series!

We will host a pico-seminar series with world-leading experts on the topic. While we are biased towards theorists, we will certainly have many experimental speakers as well. How does light interact with matter? The problem has attracted interest over a long time but only now do we have the...


A new approach to control forces and interactions between atoms and molecules, such as those employed by geckos to climb vertical surfaces, could bring advances in new materials for developing quantum light sources. “Closely spaced atoms and molecules in our environment are constantly interacting...

Jungho Mun

Jungho received his B.S. and PhD in Chemical Engineering at Pohang University of Science and Technology. His previous research focuses on optical scattering effects in discrete meta-atoms, their interactions with structured lights, and numerical techniques to study them. His current research extends...

ORC Seminar Series 2023: HADAR

Dr. Zubin Jacob Presented "Heat-Assisted Detection and Ranging (HADAR)" in the ORC Seminar Series 2023. He spoke about how machine perception uses advanced sensors to collect information about the surrounding scene for situational awareness. State-of-the-art machine perception using active sonar...

Latest Paper Published in IEEE Xplore

This article proposes circular hidden quantum Markov models (c-HQMMs), which can be applied for modeling temporal data. We show that c-HQMMs are equivalent to a tensor network (more precisely, circular local purified state) model. This equivalence enables us to provide an efficient learning model...

Latest Paper in & Science Advances

Our article from, discussing our recent work on "Observation of nonvanishing optical helicity in thermal radiation from symmetry-broken metasurfaces" has been published in Science Advances (2023). Spinning thermal radiation is a unique phenomenon observed in condensed astronomical objects...