Enhancement of rotational vacuum friction by surface photon tunneling Publication: Journal Article Z. Xu, Z. Jacob, and T. Li, “Enhancement of rotational vacuum friction by surface photon tunneling”, Nanophotonics, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 537–543, 2020.
Optically induced static magnetic field in the ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond Publication: Journal Article F. Kalhor, N. F. Opondo, S. Mahmud, L. Bauer, L.-P. Yang, and Z. Jacob, “Optically induced static magnetic field in the ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond”, OSA Publishing, vol. 47, no. 13, pp. 3347–3350, 2022.
Fundamental efficiency bound for quantum coherent energy transfer in nanophotonics Publication: Journal Article C. L. Cortes, W. Sun, and Z. Jacob, “Fundamental efficiency bound for quantum coherent energy transfer in nanophotonics”, Optics Express, vol. 30, no. 19, pp. 34725–34739, 2022.
Quantum Causal Inference in the Presence of Hidden Common Causes: an Entropic Approach Publication: Journal Article M. A. Javidian, V. Aggarwal, and Z. Jacob, “Quantum Causal Inference in the Presence of Hidden Common Causes: an Entropic Approach”, Physical Review Applied, vol. 106, no. 062425, 2022.
Spinning Meta-Cam: Spectro-Polarimetric Long-wave Infrared Thermal Imaging based on Spinning Metasurfaces Publication: Journal Article X. Wang, Z. Yang, F. Bao, T. Sentz, and Z. Jacob, “Spinning Meta-Cam: Spectro-Polarimetric Long-wave Infrared Thermal Imaging based on Spinning Metasurfaces”, arXiv, 2023.
Limits to Quantum Gate Fidelity from Near-Field Thermal and Vacuum Fluctuations Publication: Journal Article W. Sun et al., “Limits to Quantum Gate Fidelity from Near-Field Thermal and Vacuum Fluctuations”, Physical Review Applied, vol. 19, 2023.
Roadmap on optical metamaterials Publication: Journal Article A. M. Urbas, Z. Jacob, and et. al., “Roadmap on optical metamaterials”, Journal of Optics, vol. 18, no. 9, 2016.
Dynamic measurement of near-field radiative heat transfer Publication: Journal Article S. Lang et al., “Dynamic measurement of near-field radiative heat transfer”, Scientific Reports, vol. 7, 2017.
Three-dimensional optical tomography of bitumen and clay association in oil sands tailings Publication: Journal Article S. Pendharker, S. S. Shende, Z. Jacob, and N. Nazemifard, “Three-dimensional optical tomography of bitumen and clay association in oil sands tailings”, Fuel, vol. 207, pp. 262–267, 2017.
Switching Purcell effect with nonlinear epsilon-near-zero media Publication: Journal Article S. Jahani, H. Zhao, and Z. Jacob, “Switching Purcell effect with nonlinear epsilon-near-zero media”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 113, 2018.