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Topological optical N-insulators

Quantum gyroelectric effect: Photon spin-1 quantization in continuum topological bosonic phases Topological phases of matter arise in distinct fermionic and bosonic flavors. The fundamental differences between them are encapsulated in their rotational symmetries—the spin. Although spin quantization...

Dipole-dipole interactions in nanophotonics

Single photon pulse induced transient entanglement force We show that a single photon pulse incident on two interacting two-level atoms induces a transient entanglement force between them. After absorption of a multi-mode Fock state pulse, the time-dependent atomic interaction mediated by the vacuum...

Spin qubits and photonic spin density

Quantum sensing of photonic spin density using a single spin qubit Nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond have emerged as promising room temperature quantum sensors for probing condensed matter phenomena ranging from spin liquids, 2D magnetic materials, and magnons to hydrodynamic flow of current...

Vacuum Fluctuations & Casimir forces

Singular evanescent wave resonances in moving media Resonators fold the path of light by reflections leading to a phase balance and thus constructive addition of propagating waves. However, amplitude decrease of these waves due to incomplete reflection or material absorption leads to a finite...


We introduce you to the series of our weekly newsletter. Here’s the weekly round-up of Science and Nature Magazine for the respective weeks. Monthly Report - May 2023 Monthly Report - April 2023 Monthly Report - March 2023 Monthly Report - February 2023 Monthly Report - January 2023 Monthly Report -...

Machine Perception

Machine perception uses advanced sensors to collect information about the surrounding scene for situational awareness. State-of-the-art machine perception using active sonar, radar and LiDAR to enhance camera vision 9 faces difficulties when the number of intelligent agents scales up. Exploiting...


New ceramic nanotubes could prolong aircraft engine coatings by controlling high-temperature heat radiation. Idha Valeur reports. In an attempt to increase the lifetime of ceramic coatings used for gas turbines in aircrafts, researchers have developed a new material that can control the engine’s...