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81 results found

A Dual Perspective On Inverse Design by Prof Sean Molesky

Prof Sean Molesky discussed how Lagrange duality heuristics for quadratically constrained quadratic optimization problems (QCQPs) can substantially lessen these knowledge gaps for a variety of common photonic design problems. As showcased by initial applications to topics including radiative...

APS March Talks

Check out our group's contributions at the APS March meeting. We had a series of interesting seminars covering DCMP, DMP, DQI, and DAMO.

Andy Schramka and Peter Menart win the NDSEG fellowship

Our group members Andy Schramka and Peter Menart have recently been awarded the prestigious National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate fellowship by the Department of Defense. DoD plans to award new three-year graduate fellowships each fiscal year to individuals who have demonstrated ability...

Broadband circularly polarized thermal radiation from magnetic Weyl semimetals

Congratulations to Yifan and Chinmay on their paper, “Broadband circularly polarized thermal radiation from magnetic Weyl semimetals” being published in Optical Materials Express. The paper demonstrates that a planar slab made of magnetic Weyl semimetal (a class of topological materials) can emit...

Bulk Properties of Topological Crystalline Insulators by Prof. Barry Bradlyn

Prof. Barry Bradlyn spoke about the discovery of topological materials as one of the most transformative recent breakthroughs in condensed matter physics, revealing new conceptual surprises in established topics such as the phases of matter and the behavior of electrons in insulators. Most work on...

CLEO Talks

Check out contributions from our group at the CLEO Conference. We had a series of exciting talks given by Xueji Wang, Farid Kalhor, and Ashwin Boddeti.

Congratulations Ashwin Kumar Boddeti

Congratulations to Ashwin for winning the Emil Wolf best student paper prize at Frontiers of Optics 2021. His research is related to dipole-dipole interactions in nanophotonics. These interactions occur between atoms or molecules and are responsible for phenomena like Van Der Waals forces - think...